
Container adds layout and identity to input elements. It provides a canonical way to add labels, descriptions and validation to inputs.


Basic usage

The Container component provides layout for the input. It also provides a unique input id for each instance to associate labels with inputs.

<script> import { Container } from '@kwangure/strawberry/default/input/container'; </script> <Container let:inputId> <label slot='label' for={inputId}> This is the input label </label> <input id={inputId} placeholder="I can say anything!"/> </Container>

Hints and validation

Container simplifies displaying input hints and validating inputs. The provided validate action uses the built-in input HTML ValidityState API , which provides internationalized errors for dozens of languages.

Alternatively, you may use custom validation by providing an object to validate with the following signature:

{ error: (errorCode: string, input: HTMLInputElement) => string, invalid: (input: HTMLElement) => string }

If the input satisfies the built-in validation constraints, invalid(input) is called and returns an error code, then error(errorCode, input) is called and returns a string that is the error message. If the input failed built-in validation, only error(input.validity.<property>, input) is called with the name of the built-in Validity state property it failed. Read more about the validity state API on MDN for details about input validation.

<script> import { Container } from '@kwangure/strawberry/default/input/container'; import { validate } from '@kwangure/strawberry/actions/validate.js'; /** @type {import('@kwangure/strawberry/actions').Action<HTMLInputElement>}*/ const _validate = (node) => validate(node, { invalid: (input) => (input.value === 'hello' ? 'customError' : ''), error: (error) => (error === 'customError' ? 'world' : ''), }); </script> <Container let:hintId let:validationMessage> <input placeholder="I can say anything!" minlength="3" aria-describedby={hintId} required use:_validate/> <span slot='hint' id={hintId} class:invalid={validationMessage}> {#if validationMessage} {validationMessage} {:else} Required field with minimum 3 characters. Type hello to get a custom error. {/if} </span> </Container> <style> .invalid { color: red; } </style>

Postfix container

The number input provides a Postfix element to enable stepping the input value using a pointer.

<script> import { Container } from '@kwangure/strawberry/default/input/container'; import { Postfix } from '@kwangure/strawberry/default/input/number'; </script> <Container let:inputId> <label for={inputId} slot="label"> Use the postfix to step through numbers </label> <input id={inputId} placeholder="3.14" type='number'/> <Postfix/> </Container>


<Container/> also supports <textarea/> elements.

<script> import { autosize } from '@kwangure/strawberry/actions/autosize'; import { Container } from '@kwangure/strawberry/default/input/container'; </script> <Container> <textarea use:autosize/> </Container>